Author Martina

BOZPO services
Occupational Medical Services

BOZPO, s.r.o. company performs occupational medical services based on authorization No.: OPPL-6109/2007-Oj issued 16.7.2007. Occupational medical services : Perform medical preventive examinations in relation to work- entry,…

BOZPO services
Safety Technical Services

BOZPO s.r.o. provides in the area of occupational safety outsourcing of safety engineering services according to § 22 of Act 124/2006 Coll., as amended, and also…

BOZPO services
Authorized Training Center

BOZPO is licensed by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family and the National Labour Inspectorate to organise occupational safety and health education and training.…

BOZPO services Fire protection
Fire Protection

Upon request, we provide full service in the fulfillment of the employer’s obligations arising from Sections 4 and 5 of Act no. 314/2001 Coll. as amended…

BOZPO services Fire safety of buildings
Fire safety of buildings

BOZPO provides fire protection documentation in accordance with Act No. 314/2001 on Fire Protection, its implementing decrees, and other legal regulations and standards in accordance with…

BOZPO services Spoločnosť BOZPO, s.r.o. zabezpečuje služby v oblasti civilnej ochrany, rovnako aj prostriedky na jej zabezpečenie napríklad plynové masky
Civil protection

BOZPO, s.r.o. will provide services in the field of civil protection. Civil protection’s primary objective is protecting life, health, and property and creating conditions for survival…

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